EBM Fitness Solutions

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Pullthroughs - a better way? [video]

Pullthroughs are an excellent lower body movement that works on the posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) and is very knee-friendly (which makes it a good option if your knees are garbage).

However, whether you perform these with bands or pulleys, you typically have to hold on to something with your hands.

This can lead to increases in low back pain, a loss of neutral spine position, and a general tendency to pull with the arms instead of holding on with the arms and moving through the hips. 

If only there was a way around this predicament. 

Oh wait. There is.

We can use a strap around the hips to perform the movement instead of another attachment.

The added benefits include:

  • improved overall spinal position

  • assistance sitting back into the hip hinge due to placement of the strap

  • optimal placement for resistance in front of the hips instead of going through the upper body

It is almost too good to be true.

Without further ado.

This is a great alternative if using some attachment for the hands increases back pain or you find yourself pulling too much with the arms. Start by setting the pulley so it is around hip-height. Set the strap so it goes around the front of your hips.

Don’t have a col strap like that? No worries. This exercise can also be done using a band. Shut the front door?

Until next time,

Dr. Tom

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