![How’s your hip hinge? [video tutorial]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e1fa35d6d6d853d5fbd5b4d/1693948648216-RHJ18ZIQOSP2ACZ5FXXC/How+do+I+properly+perform+a+hip+hinge.png)

The definitive guide to knee pain during squats.
You get warmed up and get into your sets and your old friend makes an appearance.
Your knee pain grinds your workout to a screeching halt.
You were only around half of your maximum weight. What is going on?!
Knee pain during squats is pretty common. Many people also state that squats hurt their knees.
Could this be true? Are squats bad for your knees?

5 best strategies to manage low back pain.
Low back pain (LBP) is common. Way too common. Treating it is difficult as there are often many factors contributing to your pain. The strategies I am going to share are meant to improve your situation. At worst, they should do nothing, meaning they will not make it worse.
All of the strategies will have multiple videos to help guide you through the process. These are strategies I have used with both clients and patients to not just manage, but ultimately resolve their LBP.
I am going to go over each in more detail, but the 5 strategies are:
Supine deloading - I will also share how to deload in sitting and standing
Core stabilization - it’s not so much what you do but HOW you do it
Glute exercises - in general, when the glutes are strong there are less issues with the knees and low back
Hip mobility - when the hips are tight, there tends to be more movement through the low back to compensate
Hip hinge - poor awareness and understanding of how to properly bend at the hips will routinely flare up the back