The definitive guide to knee pain during squats.
You get warmed up and get into your sets and your old friend makes an appearance.
Your knee pain grinds your workout to a screeching halt.
You were only around half of your maximum weight. What is going on?!
Knee pain during squats is pretty common. Many people also state that squats hurt their knees.
Could this be true? Are squats bad for your knees?

The definitive guide to knee pain during lunges.
Make no mistake about it. Lunges are one of the best lower body exercises you can perform.
The problem?
A lot of people complain about knee pain when doing different kinds of lunges.
So, do lunges hurt your knees, or is there some more mysterious afoot? Let’s investigate.

Why getting that MRI won't help you get any better.
MRIs can be very good at detecting certain “problems” in and around the spine. MRI demonstrated high sensitivity for spinal soft tissue injuries. However, MRI showed a definite trend to overestimate interspinous ligament, intervertebral disc, and paraspinal muscle injuries [6].
Don’t get too wrapped up in googling the vocab words above. Here’s part of the problem with the above information. If the doctor is trying to appease the patient by ordering the MRI or the patient has demanded one, they will find something.
Whether that something is the actual problem is another discussion completely.

The best guide to rehabbing injuries.
At some point you are going to deal some sort of an injury. Maybe you are already have. Maybe you are dealing with something right now.
I am going to walk you through some different ideas as you approach different scenarios or pain and rehabbing injuries.
There are going to be 6 parts to this post, with each part having its own video.
General guidelines for rehabbing injuries.
Post surgery.
Your post-surgery home exercise program.
Chronic pain.
The idea of layers. Fixing one problem often reveals another one.
Modify your approach to sets and reps.
![Are you dealing with shoulder and neck pain? [video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e1fa35d6d6d853d5fbd5b4d/1579835028180-A2PRCP9BT1HPVPOW1U8K/shoulder+pain+2.png)
Are you dealing with shoulder and neck pain? [video]
In many cases, shoulder and neck pain are symptoms and not the actual problem. If only treat the area that is in pain, you will never resolve the issue.
Too often, a part of the body is not properly assessed for its role in the both neck and shoulder pain. The thoracic spine. It is the fancy piece of real estate between the neck and the low back.
![Tired of dealing with chronic low back pain? [video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e1fa35d6d6d853d5fbd5b4d/1579833488995-JP7DLJ7YLQ7DMDMCVHC7/LBP.png)
Tired of dealing with chronic low back pain? [video]
Low back pain is complex. No one thing is going to resolve your back pain so stop looking for it. If you truly want to resolve your pain, you will have to tackle this on multiple levels. This means you will have to:
strengthen some areas
stretch others
change how you sit
change how you move
change how you lift
change how you bend
spend time focusing on movements that you have been doing for a long time and routinely do not think about

How to train around pain.
The fact of the matter is, pain can bring each one of these situations to a grinding halt. Even worse, if the pain is left unchecked it usually gets worse and can even cause pain in different parts of the body.
It is not uncommon for a right ankle or knee issue to cause pain in the low back or the opposite hip and knee. I will explain how at a later date. The short answer as to how this happens is that everything is connected.