The definitive guide to neck and shoulder pain when pressing overhead.
Pain in the shoulder(s) and/or neck when pressing overhead is a common complaint. Is overhead pressing dangerous?
Should you avoid it at all costs like synthetic butter alternatives?
Butter alternatives. Yes.
Overhead pressing. No.
Why do so many people have difficulty pressing overhead and why are some people scared off from ever doing it?
There are reasons why people struggle to press overhead. We will discuss them and show you how to overcome them to press pain-free.
5 best ways to improve knee pain.
Nothing will make you feel old like a bum pair of knees. Walking can be a laborious. Climbing stairs resembles climbing some snow-covered mountain. Even sitting and standing can become an Olympic event.
Maybe you want to start exercising to take off some lbs so you can save your knees. Not a bad plan until you follow a bad plan.
Following the wrong program when you have bad knees will absolutely make them worse!
I am going to go over each in more detail, but the 5 strategies are:
Remove/modify pain stimulus - this often means things like squats, lunges, running and jumping need to be tabled or altered.
Soft Tisse Mobilization (STM) - this is a $2 word for massage. Issues with your quads, IT bands, hamstrings, adductors and calfs need to be addressed.
Ankle mobility - when your ankles do not move, your knees try to move more to compensate. This is bad news for your knees.
Hip-dominant movements - this serves two purposes. It assists #1 and it builds up a part of your body that is probably weak to begin with.
Deloaded knee-dominant movements and controlling knee valgus - all the squats and lunges and running and jumping that we took away in the beginning are brought back to finish your rehab.