Rows, pulldowns, pull-ups, and other movements that initiate movement through the scapula should make up a good amount of your upper body exercises in your program.

Rows and other horizontal pulling movements should outnumber both pressing movements and vertical pulling movements. 

There is so much good stuff back here to work on.

There is so much good stuff back here to work on.


Like very other exercise, technique, is the key to performing any exercise and getting the most out of it. 

The video below shows you a quick self-check you can perform when doing any pulling movement to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do. 

Most people struggle to perform pulling exercises correctly. Throw in some fatigue and a shit ton of volume and proper pulling technique is a distant memory. This video shows you a simple way to check if you are pulling correctly at any point during your set or your workout.

Keep this in mind the next time you are performing any pulling motion. 


Until next time,

Dr. Tom

Related articles:

Stop stretching your tight muscles.

How to train around pain.

1st rib mobilization.

Dr. Tom Biggart

My name is Dr. Tom Biggart and I specialized in getting people out of pain and back to living their life to the fullest.

I work with individuals to create a customized plan that analyzes their movements both with exercise and all of their daily activities. 

Clients of EBM Fitness Solutions are able to return to doing things they once thought lost due to pain.


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