Starting a fitness program can be a daunting task. How do you know what you are doing is the best thing for you to be doing?

If you are just starting out, you should follow a program that is designed for beginners.

The overall volume is not as high and progressions are more gradual to give your body a chance to adjust and adapt.

This also helps to ensure you can stick with the program. When program variables are all over the place in the beginning, it is often more confusing.

Too much muscle confusion leads to client confusion and a feeling that exercise just isn’t going to work.

When starting a program, fewer variables will help you focus on getting better at the prescribed movements. Randomly changing things just to change things doesn’t help you progress faster.

It just leads to frustration.

If you have been down that road before and are looking for something different, might I suggest EBM’s Odyssey Program.

It is a 12-week program that is designed for beginners.

And, it can be done from home with minimal equipment.

I know, right? Sounds amazing.

The program also includes mobility and flexibility movements during each workout and an extra mobility and flexibility movements that can be done on the off days.

You will feel stronger.

You will move better.

You will be able to be consistent.

You will start to build a solid foundation of movement that will carry you on your fitness journey.

If you are tired of doing the same old thing, try something different.

Doing the same old thing will just get you the same old results.

The Odyssey Program will start your journey on a different path.

Click the button below to learn more.

Until next time,

Dr. Tom

Dr. Tom Biggart

My name is Dr. Tom Biggart and I specialized in getting people out of pain and back to living their life to the fullest.

I work with individuals to create a customized plan that analyzes their movements both with exercise and all of their daily activities. 

Clients of EBM Fitness Solutions are able to return to doing things they once thought lost due to pain.


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