This is why your diet will fail.

This is why your diet will fail.

Do you struggle with eating well consistently?

Are you confused with all of the conflicting information about food and diets?

It’s ok if you are. That confusion is done by design. You see, food is an industry.

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How to win the cravings game.

How to win the cravings game.

“Healthy” snacking options are everywhere, from frozen yogurt to paleo-friendly snacks that our caveman brethren would have never consumed.

Some of these “alternatives” may be better but they still need to be consumed with a plan. There’s evidence [2] suggesting that when people purposely choose a “healthy substitute,” they often overeat later.

Be mindful of the catchy terms and phrases. Organic. Gluten-free. Low calorie. Lava-crusted.

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Why people fail with their fitness and nutrition. It’s not what you think.

Why people fail with their fitness and nutrition. It’s not what you think.

There is no shortage of diets and workouts on the internet, so why do people struggle so much?

The reality is that knowledge does not equal results. Seeking out more information hoping to find the “one thing” that you are missing will only delay you actually reaching your goals.

While I am a big proponent of education and knowledge, at some point you have to actually apply the knowledge and do something. Anything.

Action, even if it is not perfect, will serve you better than just learning more information.

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7 ways to know your nutrition plan is working.

7 ways to know your nutrition plan is working.

There may be other reasons that you will say out loud to other people, but deep down the fat loss is what drives us.

Should it?

While having a weight loss goal is fine, you should never lose sight of the other benefits that come from modifying how you eat.

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A better way to nutrition.

A better way to nutrition.

Although this may sound weird, your plan should begin with the end in mind. If your plan essentially has you white-knuckling from week to week, you are doomed to fail.

In short, this is why you will lose some weight on a diet but then put it all back on plus a few extra. This cycle repeats every time you try a “new” diet.

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Should you eat differently when recovering from an injury?

Should you eat differently when recovering from an injury?

At some point in your life you are going to deal with an injury. If you are lucky, it will be minor and not limit you much at all.

The other side of that coin is if you get injured regularly and just seem to find ways to hurt yourself as if it was your part-time job. It’s like you have one of those rain clouds following you around everywhere.

So, should you eat differently when you are recovering from an injury? Possibly. I guess differently depends on where you are starting from.

Who knows? Maybe changing how you eat while you are recovering can be the thing that jump starts you changing your eating behaviors and habits for good.

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