The secret to how ALL diets work.

The secret to how ALL diets work.

Do you want to know the secret to how ALL diets work? Do you also want to know why they ALL fail?

Here’s the deal. Every diet, and I do mean every diet, works to produce weight loss in the same way. And weight loss and fat loss are not the same. You want fat loss, not just weight loss.

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Should you eat differently when recovering from an injury?

Should you eat differently when recovering from an injury?

At some point in your life you are going to deal with an injury. If you are lucky, it will be minor and not limit you much at all.

The other side of that coin is if you get injured regularly and just seem to find ways to hurt yourself as if it was your part-time job. It’s like you have one of those rain clouds following you around everywhere.

So, should you eat differently when you are recovering from an injury? Possibly. I guess differently depends on where you are starting from.

Who knows? Maybe changing how you eat while you are recovering can be the thing that jump starts you changing your eating behaviors and habits for good.

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Pancakes without the pancake mix? [recipe]

Pancakes without the pancake mix? [recipe]

Pancakes are delicious. Now, I know I am not telling you something so earth-shattering that you did not already know it.

But, depending on your fitness goals, pancakes may not be part of the current plan. Or could they?

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A quick and dirty breakfast idea.

A quick and dirty breakfast idea.

Here is a really easy recipe that sets you up for success in the morning. These are mini egg omelets.  You can also call them egg muffins but I wouldn't trust a person that said that.

Once these are made, stick them in the fridge and wait.

In the morning, put one, two or three in the toaster oven (or microwave, if that's your thing) to heat up. They take as long to heat up as a piece of toast.

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