Making good, healthy decisions when eating is hard. Way harder than exercising. It requires more planning and preparation and is influenced by time, stress, emotions, socio-economic status, and heritage.

Getting adequate protein is key but this is usually the hardest macronutrient to get. It requires the most time to prepare. 

Carbs are easy. Just open and enjoy.

Here is a really easy recipe that sets you up for success in the morning. These are mini egg omelets.  You can also call them egg muffins but I wouldn't trust a person that said that.

Once these are made, stick them in the fridge and wait.

In the morning, put one, two or three in the toaster oven (or microwave, if that's your thing) to heat up. They take as long to heat up as a piece of toast.

Let's get started gathering what we need.

Get one of these and use some of that. I will explain more in a minute

Get one of these and use some of that. I will explain more in a minute

You are going to want to spray something in the muffin pan to actually be able to get these things out when they are done.

I tried butter. Epic fail. Left most of the omelet stuck inside the pan. 

Next, choose your ingredients. 

This is what I chose for this round. You are only limited by you own imagination.

This is what I chose for this round. You are only limited by you own imagination.

Make sure you chop up your ingredients pretty small.

Yes, I have mad skillz with a knife.

Yes, I have mad skillz with a knife.

And when adding the ingredients, remember the story, The Crow and the Pitcher. Haven't read that one?

Try reading a book sometime.

Try reading a book sometime.

A crow was looking for some water and found a pitcher with a little bit of water in it. He dropped a bunch of pebbles in the water, causing it to rise, so he could drink it.

So, if you put too many ingredients in, you will make a big mess.

You may have noticed that I had my eggs in a glass measuring cup. This makes life more enjoyable when dumping the eggs into the pan. And it is way easier too.

Hit these with a little love aka, seasoning, once all the ingredients are added.

Hit these with a little love aka, seasoning, once all the ingredients are added.

Bake these at 350 degrees for 20-25 mins.

Finished product.

Finished product.

Prep time is minimal, no more than about 15 minutes. I was able to do this while the kids were taking a break from being savages to have a snack.

And now you have a quick and dirty breakfast option. 

Until next time,

Dr. Tom

Dr. Tom Biggart

My name is Dr. Tom Biggart and I specialized in getting people out of pain and back to living their life to the fullest.

I work with individuals to create a customized plan that analyzes their movements both with exercise and all of their daily activities. 

Clients of EBM Fitness Solutions are able to return to doing things they once thought lost due to pain.


Pancakes without the pancake mix? [recipe]


Protein popsicles [recipe]